Well here the ends the bank holiday .. and spending time looking to develope the website at trying to get a learn more about seo ...

The problem i find is there is so much SEO information out there to read and some contradicts the other..

Currently i think most of the optimisation is due to page ranks with the companies.. but it can be a hit and miss affair..

We spent a load of cash with a company which had a high page rank and google likes but a local competitor who pays a basic listing but has a common directory name like "A1" or "Elite" which a lot of companies uses it increase his page rank ... which we paid for his no 1 position in google in a way..

What a bummer.. so we have cut that down .. but its knowing what else a humble ICT person can do..

There is a local SEO company which has been recommended .. but its how do you know if they are any good that want £850 and i know that no one can g/tee results but need to create traffic which I know I have done my fair bit since i been talking the result of the website http://www.bradrail.co.uk/ from about 10-15 a week to about 100 .. i know the site needs a lot of work ..
since each section is pretty bare and doesnt give the customer any idea of price.. just a general description of information like vertical blinds, roller blinds, venetian blinds, awnings

I have tried to tweak the keywords in meta tags and also try and do different descriptions but i hear more about less about keywords and more of keyword density.. do i get rid of the keywords.. ???

Half of it is having people within the company right good content but what is good content, and how should i appease google and other seo with things to help its ranking

I am interested in any comments people who could assist or advise with

Anyway back to the grind stone more later...